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What is a Bardo Safari?

You can derive some idea about Bardo Safaris from knowing something about the origin and meaning of the words.
The Tibetan word Bardo comes from "bar" meaning "in between"; "do" meaning "island" or "marking point". Bardo means literally "intermediate state" - also translated as "transitional state" or "in-between state" or "liminal state". The word origin for safari is Swahili, "journey", from Arabic "safarī" - of a journey. It involves a whole team complete with guide and explorers.

You don't however need to know exactly what a Bardo Safari is or looks like in order to make them an integral part of your spiritual practice.

Bardo Safaris were conceived of by E.J. Gold and are offered by the team at the Institute for the Development of the Harmonious Human Being, IDHHB. Safaris are not done for individual merrit but for the benefit of all beings everywhere. They are a major component of online Bardo Training.

E.J. Gold and a rather large group of fellow bardo travellers have been conducting Bardo Safaris of various kinds for decades, including online since the early days of online gaming.
Currently Bardo safaris are gatherings which typically last 2 hrs. They are deliberate expeditions into spiritual realms -- like a prayer circle

The Institute conducts online Bardo Safaris daily during the week and several times per day during the weekend. A variety of online environments are being used for this purpose.

You can now remote a Bardo Safari. Remoting is an amazing tool for awakening and service, leveling up, to speak with the gamer's words.